HIGH FIVE® is Canada’s only comprehensive quality standard for children’s programs and holds true to the following five Principles of healthy child development that our research indicates are essential for providing a positive experience for kids. Workshops are intended for ages 16+.
HIGH FIVE® consists of Training and Development, Program Assessments, Policies/Procedures,and Awareness. Through HIGH FIVE® training, front line recreation, sport and after school leaders learn how to incorporate the Principles of Healthy Child Development into their everyday programming for ages 6-12.
LDSCR staff are available to deliver the following HIGH FIVE® workshops:
Principles of Healthy Child Development
Strengthening Children's Mental Health
Principles of Healthy Aging
Developed by Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, Play Leadership training is supplemental to HIGH FIVE® Principles of Healthy Child Development.
Play Leadership Training ensures that Play Leaders have the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and coordinate safe, accessible and enjoyable play opportunities for children. The training consists of 5 modules, each dealing with a core competency for the Play Leader:
Working with your Community
Engaging all Children
Playing with Children
Planning for Play
Developing your Skills
Take the Lead!® is a program focused on fostering leadership skills in youth aged 11-14. Our youth know how to play best! Utilizing Take the Lead!® resources and training, youth can practice leading active play opportunities, providing more physical activity opportunities for their peers. Because of Take the Lead!® training, SPRA is confident that these same youth will later draw upon these skills as they reinvest in our communities.​
*Workshops facilitated by a Lakeland District staff are at no cost for facilitator, mileage, or lodging.